🤦🏼♀️ I made a huge mistake on this waitlist

Big plot twist I didn't expect

Welcome to the 12th (and final!) edition of my Launch, already! behind-the-scenes newsletter. Last week I shared who I don’t want to join this program.

🤦🏼‍♀️ I’ve made a huge mistake on this waitlist.

I spent my summer building this training that just didn’t feel right.

I’m talking deep-down, uncomfortable, won’t-go-away-in-my-gut off.

My kids went back to school yesterday (wohoo!) and I finally had a quiet day to sit down and figure out why I feel this way in my journal.

Here’s what I wrote.

Yep, that’s right.

🪓 I’m whacking the complexity and the high price point of my program.

Those just didn’t ever sit well with me for a new product release.

I really really want this to be accessible to you to implement in your career without such a high financial, time, and energy cost. I hate stupid expensive programs that take a big commitment. So why did I try to make one!? 🤦🏼‍♀️

I know I can take you from lurking online to owning a strong personal brand in 90 days without being an extrovert so you can transform your career.

I know I can do that with a streamlined training + templates that you can access anytime in the future. So, that’s what I’m going to do.

  • I’m swallowing my pride

  • Taking a big risk here by looking stupid in front of you all

  • Cutting 80% of the price from my program $997 to $197

  • Doing what I feel in my bones is right

    💰I know, I know you wanted to pay me waaaaay more money, so you’re just gonna have to put that cash you would have paid me toward your students loans or a little weekend getaway instead. Bummer.

Wow! Plot Twist. Tell Me What The New Offer Will Be.

I’ll condense all of my training into a workshop + templates. This workshop will be broken into bite-sized pieces so it’ll be easy for you to refer to the exact point you need help with into the future. Plus, you’ll have my templates to make it easy to stay on track.

Is the Timeline Changing?

No. Your chance to buy will still be on August 23rd.

The link to checkout will be emailed to you bright & early on 8/23.
I’ll release the training (~1.5-2 hours total, broken up into individual lessons) + templates in early September so you can ride the fall wave of productivity.

What You Can Learn From This

Trust your gut.

You have to do what you feel good about. If it bothers you, fix it. That uncomfortable feeling will never go away no matter how much you rationalize it.

Don’t ignore your gut instinct. Even if it is different than ‘what everyone else is doing’

Why So Last Minute, Jamie!?

Well, this all happened yesterday. I apologize for switching things up on you last minute. I’m probably breaking every success rule in the book by doing this. But you guys, I have to teach you in a way that feels good for me and in a way I feel I can deliver a WOW experience. I don’t want anyone to walk away from my trainings feeling very ‘meh’. So hang with me while I recalibrate before next week.

And thanks for still opening these emails and reading them every week for months. You guys are amazing. I’m so glad to have such powerful, forward-thinking PharmDs in my life. You’re gonna change the world and your career….you just need a strong, clear brand to do that. ;)

Give it to me straight

I’d love to hear your feedback on this plot twist! Please hit reply with how you really feel about it on a 1-10 scale.

1= super lame, Jamie

10= brilliant. This actually works much better for me

👋🏻 Jamie

I'll see you all next Friday, August 23rd for our big LAUNCH DAY! 🚀🚀 In your inbox will be a checkout page to join this transformational training + templates. You’ll only have the chance to buy for a few days. No exceptions. I highly recommend putting a reminder on your calendar so you don’t miss it.

You’re receiving this private “behind-the-scenes” newsletter because you’ve joined the waitlist for the Launch Community.

Missed any of my previous behind-the-scenes updates? Here they are:

I’m now in the final stages of prepping this program for release, and it will be available to buy on August 23rd, 2024.

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