What Will Launch Community Cost?

Breaking down the price and how I got to these numbers

Welcome to the 6th edition of my Launch Community behind-the-scenes newsletter. Last week I talked about the changing the trajectory of your career in healthcare.

Since I first announced The Launch Community, I’ve been asked the same question quite a few times: What will the community cost?

Today I’m going to share with you how I’ve settled on pricing, along with an overview of the packages I’ll be offering.

Everyone reading this private newsletter is likely in the business of selling something. If you’re not yet, you will be after you join us (and I want to help you get started).

What to charge and how to package your offerings will be something you need to figure out and regularly revisit. I know you’ll learn a lot from how I went about coming up with the pricing and packaging for Launch Community.

“What am I going to offer?”

The first question I had to tackle was what I’m actually going to be selling.

I knew that I’d be selling a private community with a framework of trainings, action items, and a framework to build your own brand online.

But many of you want more than just video lessons.

  • “I want feedback from you and/or other people in the program.”

  • “Accountability to put into action what I’ve learned”

  • "A place to ask other students questions. Plus see how they are doing it."

  • “Access to you, Jamie”

  • “A private place to work and build where my boss and coworkers won’t see”

  • “Confidence to stop dithering/delaying and build my thing once at for all”

This didn’t come as a surprise, but – to be totally honest with you – personal access is something I’ve been hesitant to offer. I enjoy my lifestyle, and I don’t want to overcommit and fill my schedule with too many obligations. That probably doesn’t come as a surprise to those of you following me for awhile. I want to be upfront and honest about that.

But this is an important community. It's the most important project I’ve worked on since starting my business. This private group of people matters to me, and it’s going to matter to you – my customers. I want to do this right, and I do think a peer community and 1:1 element is going to be crucial.

With that in mind, here are the 2 packages I’ve settled on:

Do It Together

Most of you will probably want a number of resources, templates, and checklists to help apply what I teach. Plus, and ongoing way to have additional insights, peer accountability, and the insurance of knowing that you’ll have a sounding board when you need one.

So, I’m setting that up for Launch Community students. Beyond the course and the Launch Work Station this package will include a peer-to-peer community where you can interact with other students, monthly group office hours with me (along with the recordings), and real accountability to not only learn, but to make sure you are doing it yourself.

This package is going to include full access to the peer-to-peer community, live group office hours with me, and will only be available to those who buy during launch week.

Do It 1-to-1

A small number of you are going to want to pay a premium to get specific advice from me, one-on-one.

For that group, I’m going to offer the “Do It Together” package along with 6, private monthly 60-minute 1:1 calls with me after you’ve had a chance to go through all the material and know the basics. The cadence for those calls will be once monthly for 6 months. We’ll talk about your situation and what you’re planning, and I’ll be able to help you individually.

I’m very protective of my time, so I’m only going to include 5 spots for this package. This will also only be available during launch, and sold first-come, first-serve.

“What am I going to charge?”

When I first announced Launch Community, I promised that it would be affordable.

I credit much of my success with having created courses that are accessible to the average pharmacist.

This course is going to be more laser-focused and action oriented than any of my past offerings. It’s material that’s taken me nearly 4 years to learn, so it’s significantly more premium and necessarily needs to a price that reflects the value.

The baseline “Do It Yourself” package is going to launch at $997, and will then go up to $2,997 after launch.

(I believe a lot of you are going to be very happy with the above number. Judging from the replies I’ve received, many of you were expecting this to cost to be much more.)

And the “Do It 1-to-1” package with 6 monthly calls x 6 months with me is going to cost $6,997. This option is limited to just 5 customers.

These two package prices will only be available during the launch.

And please know that I'll share more details leading up to launch so you can make the exact right choice for you.

Why am I sharing all of this before Launch Community is even available to buy?

If I really wanted to maximize the number of sales I’d get with the launch of this course, I wouldn’t be sharing details about my pricing and packaging this early.

Conventional wisdom would have me build up a ton of suspense and be super vague about the price, and when the course launches in late August send you a bunch of hyped up emails that say something like:

“It’s not $20,000….”

“It’s not even $5,000…”

“Buy now for just $997! – But wait! There’s more!”

I hate stuff like that. I never want to have high-pressure, unauthentic, sleezy-feeling offers.

My goal with this private weekly email conversation is to talk candidly with you about how I’m building my next product.

A big part of building and launching a new product is pricing and coming up with the offer, or – in this case – offers.

So give these packages some thought. Are you someone who wants to chat with other students, have a monthly opportunity to ask me questions inside of office hours? Consider the “Do it Together” package.

And lastly, if you want to work with me 1:1 monthly over the next 6 months plus have access to the bigger group, consider the “Do it 1-to-1” package. I’d recommend this only if you have some serious traction in your digital business, as it’s obviously the most expensive. Don't buy this if you can't afford it.

Today’s Action Step

This week I'd like to ask you what you think of the packages and prices I outlined above.

Paying the right price for the right product is important.

What do you think?

