[BTS #7] šŸ˜© How I lost $96,000 on my second digital product launch

and what you can learn from my mistake

Welcome to the 7th edition of my Launch Community behind-the-scenes newsletter.  Last week I went in-depth into the pricing and packaging of the course.

(I was nervous about sending that email, but the feedback was only positive! What a relief! šŸ˜…)

It was really cool to have you guys write back validating the price and offerings:

Thereā€™s about 6 weeks to go until I release the Launch Community on August 23rd. I want this small group of people to be able to share and benefit from all the parts of building something new: the highs, the lows, and the messy middle.

So, in the spirit of transparency I thought Iā€™d share a huge failure I had when I first started.

I thought I had it all figured out. I'd read all the launch playbooks. I'd studied the 'gurus'. I was ready to rake in the cash. Instead, I lost $96,000 and almost gave up on digital products altogether. Here's what went wrong, and the three critical lessons that turned everything aroundā€¦

Ok, here is the full, raw story of my second (& third if weā€™re being honest here) product launches and why they failed miserably.

First, some background on my 1st launch:

On June 16th, 2021 I publicly launched my first online course. I used a live webinar to sell my product.

I did everything right.

ā€¢ I beta tested it with a small group of students who loved it and gave me valuable feedback on what needed to change

ā€¢ I saw my students getting great success and pulled in their testimonials. I even had one student come on the webinar and share a killer win she had <1 month into the program

ā€¢ I posted about the event every day for 40 days and had >400 registrants and >250 attend live

And it all worked like clockwork. I earned $14K before the event was even over and $96K in the week following the webinar.

It was a dream come true and I was feeling on top of the world.

So, rinse and repeat, right?!

Thatā€™s exactly what I did. 6 weeks later on Labor Day Weekend 2021 I did the same thing. Except I threw in a different offer at the end: I added a live retreat upsell to sweeten the deal.

I posted, I invited, I gave the exact same webinar to a similar audience size with a slightly different offer.

You know how much I made that night? $0 

How much I made in the week after $0.

OUCH! It really hurt. This isnā€™t something Iā€™ve actually shared publicly before in-depth because it was so hard for me to deal with. I had no idea what just happened. I thought I had the perfect sales machine that I could cash in every month like an ATM. It failed miserably.

So, I gave it another go. Round 3.

This time I had to mix it up. I had to do something differently so as not to repeat the same mistake.

This time instead of just me for an hour-long webinar I invited 2 good friends to present with me. They each had their own program that helped our audience (PharmDā€™s) and so we figured, letā€™s just do a mini-summit and all present in an hour period. Thatā€™ll for sure compound our earnings.

You can probably see where this is going but we didnā€™tā€¦..

We posted, we invited, I gave the exact same webinar in a shorter format to a similar audience size with yet another slightly different offer.

You know how much I made that night? $0

How much I made in the week after? $12K

What in the world was going on? I had proven that I could create an offer that people wanted. Why wouldnā€™t it work again!?

Can you spot what I did wrong?

Here are 3 things I learned

I want to make sure you know these, since youā€™ll be selling your own digital products soon:

  1. Donā€™t change your offer. If you have an offer that you have proven works you stick to it like glue. DO NOT CHANGE A THING! I was so dumb on that Labor Day event because I was doing a live event the next month, and I figured, ā€œSure! Iā€™ll just toss in admission to my live event as an upsell while Iā€™m at itā€. It was completely untested and I should have never changed the most important part of my webinar: a proven offer. It just added unnecessary confusion as to what people should buy.

  2. Donā€™t promote with friendsā€¦yet. My summit didnā€™t go well for our sales (we 3 each earned about $12K). Instead of building momentum and tripling sales we confused customers and made them decide between us. A confused customer never buys. There are times when you can work with friends in a really synergistic way, but not while you are still perfecting your own first offers

  3. First launch magic is real. A mentor once told me that first offers are magic. They hit the marketplace is a new, exciting way nobody has seen before and tend to do very well. You canā€™t always replicate this magic in future iterations of the same thing. I mistook one success for a system I could depend on.

It really burned to feel like I missed out on earning a sweet $96K twice in a row. And spend months of time and thousands of dollars of money to build. But I had to learn that what worked once wonā€™t always work again. I wish Iā€™d earned that money, but it taught my a really important lesson: build systems, Jamie!

I didnā€™t want to hype up and run live webinars endlessly into the future anyway. I was trying to optimize something I didnā€™t want to do forever.

The Rest of the Story

That fall I buckled down, hired someone I admired and who had a smooth system for converting customers from evergreen webinars. I did everything he said with pep and swiftness and Iā€™ll tell you what: that system built the $25K-$50K/mo recurring revenue that helped my course ultimately grow to be a 7-figure company and gave me sweet 60%+ profit margins I could take home at the end of each month.

Life is hard. Business is hard. I mess up a lot.

Welcoming a ton of failure in Launch Community

And Iā€™m going to keep messing up in our Launch Community. Get excited. Iā€™m a creator. Iā€™m always building and testing new things. Iā€™m going to be very frank and open about what Iā€™m building with you guys. Youā€™re going to learn whatā€™s working and what is a hot mess with my own business. This is why I love private communities. I donā€™t want to share this information to the masses online who donā€™t care. I want to be in the trenches with you.

Youā€™re going to mess up. Youā€™ve probably already failed a lot. Welcome to the club.

I love failure even though it burns in the moment. Iā€™m so excited to fail forward with you.

Live meeting coming up!

One last thing: I really want to meet you and show you a visual of what Iā€™m building before the August 23rd launch. Next week Iā€™ll send out a date for a live meeting and tour of the program. I want to show you what Iā€™m excited about and get your honest feedback about what you think. Stay tuned for that date and calendar invite so you can save it on your busy calendar. Yes, itā€™ll be recorded if you canā€™t make it.

Whew. Thatā€™s a long one today. Thanks for sticking with me until the end of my messy story.

šŸ‘‹šŸ» Jamie

PS- Do you like these failure stories? I have so many more, but only want to share them if you guys like this kind of thing