How Erin's Waitlist Blew Up

A Case Study

Welcome to the 10th edition of my Launch behind-the-scenes newsletter. Last week I shared more about Exiting Pharmacy. 

Hi everyone! šŸ‘‹šŸ»

I love a good case study, donā€™t you?

This Monday morning I got a text from one of my clients, Erin, that made me jump for joy:

She just started a waitlist for her first offering and already has 152 people on her waitlist! Dang, the student is about to show up the teacher. I was proud of the 196 people Iā€™ve gathered to this waitlist over months and sheā€™s about to show me up, big time. šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»

Letā€™s backtrack a little to break down this case study.

Erin and I started working together 1:1 because she had an idea for starting her own brand online, but didnā€™t know how to execute it.

Erin had a couple barriers:

  • Sheā€™s never done anything like this online before

  • She has <500 followers on LinkedIn and hasnā€™t used the platform extensively in the past

  • Sheā€™s working full time as an independent pharmacy manager

  • Sheā€™s raising 2 boys largely herself while her husband is deployed

  • Also renovating a farmhouse in her ā€˜spareā€™ time

But, she had an idea she couldnā€™t let go. Here was her premise:

ā€œI took 7 MPJE exams in less than 4 months, at one point I took one per week for a month straight (the testing center thought I must be a traveling nurse because they saw me so often!). I passed every single one the first time. I was able to do this because the vast majority of information is the same from state to state - there are patterns in the types of questions and most commonly covered laws.

Now I want to share my experience to help fellow pharmacists and students pass the MPJEā€

She had an idea, but didnā€™t know how to test it, execute it, or even how to start with such a busy schedule.

But this is one smart cookie and she really felt like this the best way to start her own thing so she eventually work her way out of working as a pharmacist for the majority of her income.

So, how did she do it?

Erin and I worked together to map out a plan that she could fit into her very busy schedule:

  1. Help out 2 clients 1:1 to see if she could teach & execute her unique MPJE method well

  2. Post about passing multiple states MPJE exams weekly on LinkedIn to generate interest

  3. Create a waitlist for people who want to pass the MPJE

Thatā€™s it.

She hasnā€™t been doing this long (just a few months) and hasnā€™t been 100% consistent. Her pharmacy flooded and multiple vacations happened this summer.

But, she had a strategy and stuck to it. Now sheā€™s reaping the reward. She already has an astounding 152 people on her waitlist that she just started last week.

  • That number validates there is a need for her help.

  • That number shows it is worth her time to build a resource for passing the MPJE for these pharmacists

  • That number is giving her killer momentum to keep going.


This is how strong brands work and how you can leverage them, even when you donā€™t have much time or an existing audience online. You build in public. Based on an idea. And monetize relatively quickly in your journey.

You donā€™t:

Spend a stupid amount of money on a website, and landing page, and company name, and logo, and filing paperwork for a business.

You start.

You just test out ideas.

You make it easy for people to say to work with you.

You also have the support & insight of key people a few steps ahead so youā€™re not confused and just throwing stuff out there to see ā€˜if it worksā€™.

A strong brand is the best thing you can create for your career. With a strong brand you can score a dream job that is totally unavailable to you right now as you are. OR you can easily build your own lean, digital offerings with no risk and validation right outta the gate while still working full time.

This right here is what Iā€™m so excited to do with you in the Launch Community.

Iā€™ve narrowed down how we can make our first 90 days together a blockbuster experience and here is what Iā€™ve settled on:

A PharmD's incubator that takes you go from lurking online to owning a strong personal brand in 90 days without stepping out of your comfort zone or being an extrovert.

Once you nail this we can move on to all the other topics you are hungry to learn: digital course sales! Newsletters! Healthy business practices! Recurring monthly revenue! Getting new customers! Keeping old customers!

But first with this tight, knit supportive community we are going to get you up and running as smoothly as possible so you can brag about your 152+ person waitlist, too.

šŸ‘‹šŸ» Jamie

Upcoming live meeting!

Iā€™m hosting a live event on Wednesday, August 7th at 11:30amMT/1:30pm ET. Iā€™d love to have you join me for 30 minutes. Iā€™ll show you what Iā€™ve built so far in this private community, answer your questions, take suggestions, and generally meet this amazing group of forward-thinking PharmDs who are serious about making the internet work for them.

2 things for you to do:

  1. Please hit reply to this email and say, ā€œIā€™m inā€ and Iā€™ll add your email address to the calendar invite so you can have the link and remember to come.

  2. Iā€™d like to be prepared for your questions during the event, so please hit reply if there is a specific question/suggestion youā€™d like me to address.

Canā€™t make the live event? No worries. I get it. Iā€™ll share the replay in the following weekā€™s email.

Youā€™re receiving this private ā€œbehind-the-scenesā€ newsletter because youā€™ve joined the waitlist for the Launch Community.

Missed any of my previous behind-the-scenes updates? Here they are:

Iā€™m now in the final stages of prepping this community for release, and it will be available to buy on August 23rd, 2024.

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