The $43,856 Coaching Blunders I Made My First Year

and why I'm doing it again

Welcome to the 8th edition of my Launch behind-the-scenes newsletter. Last week I reviewed a $96,000 mistake I made my first year in business.

You all seemed to like that mistake article and Iā€™m so glad. Here is a sample of one of your email responses back:

I agree that we learn more from failures than wins.

Most 'gurus' only show you their wins.

Today, I'm going to show you a massive risk I took my first year.

And why Iā€™m repeating it again.

Here's exactly what I did, what Iā€™m doing, why I think it'll work, and what I'll do if it fails spectacularly. Use them, learn from them, and maybe avoid the mistakes I'm probably making...

Ok, here goes:

As soon as my first online course started generating a profit in 2021 I had $9,000 in my business bank account and was feeling on top of the world.

I wanted to earn more and be influential like the industry leaders I saw online.

So, I was ready (and honestly over-eager) to fork over money to anyone who said they could help.

ā€¢ I met a marketing guy on LinkedIn who promised he could set me up with a CRM (customer relationship manager, like HubSpot or ConvertKit). I signed up for a cool year contract of $1,488/mo + $297/hour of extra help gulp!

ā€¢ I also joined a $26,000 5-month mastermind with a prominent pharmacy leader. It was broken up in $4,500/mo payments and I was starting to sweat

ā€¢Both of those combined were $43,856. A huge bill for a first year in business!

I knew that I had a good business idea because Iā€™d validated it with early sales in a private community + course. But, the mistake I made was pouring all my extra earnings right back into vague help that I probably didnā€™t need, but helped me ā€˜feelā€™ like a business owner.

Why were these mistakes?

  • Marketing guy mistake: I needed to learn how to do this myself. I got set up with a complex system that I didnā€™t understand. I was forever tethered to this guy & his team both with a permanent contract & the inability to understand my own system.

  • Mastermind mistake: Ouch. This one really hurt. I mean, I could have bought a car with the money I paid this personality. The worst part was that there was no specific outcome. It was a vague, vain offer ā€œbe in the room with experts and achieve moreā€ and I watched that whole 2-hour pitch and fell for it. Just because someone is well-known online doesnā€™t mean they can help you in a meaningful way. I was far ahead of the group and didnā€™t get anything specifically helpful out of the whole experience.

How these mistakes helped me immensely

  • I was able to go from a $500 offer in February to a $1,497 offer in June and a $2,497 offer in October with the help of skilled professionals. They helped create landing pages, checkout forms, and all the Zapier links I needed. I was able to scale my pricing very quickly and efficiently.

  • I was stuck with a stupid payment, so I had huge incentive to make my first offer a big success. I didnā€™t want to dip into my personal accounts to pay that bill off. No way! As a result, I posted every single day for 6 weeks about my course launch. I reached out to 1,789 people directly on LinkedIn and invited them to my event. I created a beautiful post event email series that was good at converting. And I practiced that webinar out loud every day for 10 days in a row. The result? A $96K launch.

What Iā€™m doing now:

  • Marketing: Iā€™m not hiring out all the building of all my backend systems. I need to build those myself and understand them well. But I will soon hire a VA to manage all of them for me. Iā€™ve had a wonderful VA in the past that I lost when I sold my company. She will be my first hire when Iā€™m profitable with my current company. I need experts in my life, but will never become dependent on one like that with a stupid contract again.

  • Coaching: That experience really burned me with coaching for a long time. I think there is a lot of hype that is vague platitudes, hyperbole, and pontification that isnā€™t actually helpful. I donā€™t want advice. I want to learn strategy from someone who has rocked what I want to do. I have never hired anyone again without a crystal clear transformation that I can expect if Iā€™m willing to put in the work. Now Iā€™m very quick to hire someone to teach me something. Iā€™ve joined 3 private communities ($87/mo, $500/mo and $4k/yr)in 2024 and they are all helping me move leaps & bounds faster than I could go all by myself in 3 specific areas of my life. I am so happy and feel like Iā€™m in the right place, with similar peers, public accountability, and the exact strategies I need to grow.

What if it fails spectacularly?:

Then Iā€™ll learn what doesnā€™t work and keep going. Itā€™s just money.

Iā€™m not making another cross-your-fingers-and-hope-this-$26K-investment pays off-otherwise-Iā€™m-seriously-sunk decision.
I invest enough to make me show up and be serious about what I committed to, but that wonā€™t put my finances at serious risk.

I love learning from other experts and getting into their world. It helps me learn quickly and be inspired to work with more of a fire underneath me than if I was doing it all by my lonely self. Plus, as a business expense it feels easier to invest in myself and my future.

Iā€™ve learned the only way you can buy time is by learning how someone else did something. By doing that Iā€™m not only buying what worked for them, but Iā€™m also buying their failures and what didnā€™t work. It is the fastest, most efficient way to build online.

Years of someones validated experience PLUS a small, like-minded group building alongside of you is, in my opinion, a little bit of magic and what works well for me. Thatā€™s why I want to build this for you guys. Iā€™m serious about your success.

Ok, letā€™s talk about our upcoming live meeting!

Ok, now my favorite part of this email: I want to meet you guys. Iā€™m hosting a live event on Wednesday, August 7th at 11:30amMT/1:30pm ET. Iā€™d love to have you join me for 1/2 hour. Iā€™ll show you what Iā€™ve built so far, answer your questions, take suggestions, and generally meet this amazing group of forward-thinking PharmDs who are serious about making the internet work for them.

2 things for you to do:

  1. Please hit reply to this email and say, ā€œIā€™m inā€ and Iā€™ll add your email address to the calendar invite so you can have the link and remember to come.

  2. Iā€™d like to be prepared for your questions during the event, so please hit reply if there is a specific question/suggestion youā€™d like me to address.

Canā€™t make the live event? No worries. I get it. Iā€™ll share the replay in the follow weekā€™s email.

Canā€™t wait to see you there and meet many of you who I feel like I already know from these behind-the-scenes emails.

šŸ‘‹šŸ» Jamie

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